What We Do
What We Do
Throughout South Florida United Community Options provides supports and services to people with unique abilities or social inequalities, providing opportunities to achieve a full, rewarding life beyond limits.

Residential Services
Explore options for supportive living environments that encourage a creative, independent and meaningful life.
Behavior Focus Group Homes
- Group Homes
- Supported Living
- Medical Group Home
- ICF’s (Intermediate Care Facilities) (Miami Cerebral Palsy)

Options in engaged learning for every age and level from pre-school to old school, whether academic, life skills, employment training or recreation.
- Afterschool
- Summer Camp
- Early Beginnings Academy
- Transitional Learning Academy
- Out of School Services
- Respite
- Advocacy
- Diamond Minds
- Early Beginnings
- Family Support Services
- Therapies

Day Services & Community Options
Explore options for supportive living environments that encourage a creative, independent and meaningful life.
- Adult Day Training - Behavior Focus
- Adult Day Training
- Supported Employment