Golden Glades Special Medical Group Home in Miami-Dade

Golden Glades

Golden Glades is a special medical group home located in Miami-Dade. This innovative program provides supports for adults with disabilities, specifically those with complex medical needs. With a team of dedicated professionals, Golden Glades offers a safe and nurturing environment, allowing individuals to live a fulfilling life without limitations.

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Holistic Supportive Living

At Golden Glades, we go beyond just providing assisted living for people with disabilities— we offer a holistic approach to care that addresses our residents' physical, emotional, and medical needs. Our specially designed program integrates medical care, therapeutic interventions, and personalized training to create a nurturing environment where individuals can flourish.

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Professional Medical Staff

Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the caliber of our staff. With round-the-clock nursing care, respiratory therapists on-site, and direct personnel available 24/7, we ensure that our residents are in safe and capable hands at all times. Families and guardians are encouraged to actively participate in the care and decision-making process, fostering a sense of community and partnership in the well-being of our residents.

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Empowering Independence

At Golden Glades, we believe every individual deserves the opportunity to live a life filled with purpose and dignity, regardless of physical limitations. Our specialized care model is tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals with developmental disabilities who rely on ventilators and other high-tech medical treatments, enabling them to lead fulfilling lives on their own terms.

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Quality Care, Quality Life

Our ultimate goal at Golden Glades is to provide the highest standard of physical, emotional, and educational care to all our residents. By creating a supportive and inclusive environment where individuals can maximize their potential, we strive to empower each person to live the best life possible.

At United Community Options of South Florida, we are committed to helping individuals thrive and reach their highest potential. Join us and be a part of a community that celebrates diversity, resilience, and the boundless possibilities of every individual.

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